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Solutions for Materials Preparation, Testing & Analysis

Welcome to Buehler's Metallography Webshop


Buehler's online store offers ordering of metallography consumables for Sectioning, Mounting, Grinding and Polishing, Hardness Testing and Image & Analysis. Buehler is a premier manufacturer of scientific, material preparation and metallographic testing equipment and supplies for use in materials analysis, metallography, metallurgy and petrography with offices in nine countries, sales distribution in over 100 countries, and over 45 Buehler Solutions Centers.

If you would like to purchase consumables please click on the consumable images below. If you would like information on all our machines or you need a quote, please click on a product image below.

If you need to find the sales engineer in your area, please click on this link Buehler Sales Representative.
Sectioning Machines
Mounting Machines
Grinding & Polishing
Grinding & Polishing Machines
Imaging & Hardness Testing
Imaging & Hardness Machines
Buehler Service

Featured Products

IsoMet High Speed Pro
IsoMet High Speed Pro
IsoMet Blade, 20LC, 5in [127mm]
IsoMet Blade, 20LC, 5in [127mm]
MetaDi II Paste, Mono, 6µm, 5g
MetaDi II Paste, Mono, 6µm, 5g